Optimization of radiation characteristics of ultrasonic transducer
投稿时间:2022-01-13  修订日期:2023-04-30
      The matching layer and backing layer are important components of the transducer, which have important influence on the characteristics of the transducer. In this paper, the effects of matching layer and backing layer on radiation characteristics of transmitting transducer are studied based on the combination of two conditions: with/without matching layer and with air/resin backing layer. The results show that the acoustic radiation efficiency of air backed transducer is higher than that of resin backed transducer when the load material is water. The matching layer can improve the main lobe energy of the transducer and inhibit the side lobe energy and the number of side lobes. Therefore, for the design of transmitting transducers, the selection of backing materials should follow the principle of the greater the impedance difference between piezoelectric materials and the better; The rational design of matching layer can not only improve the radiation efficiency of ultrasonic transducer, but also improve the peak ratio of main lobe and side lobe, so that the sound energy is more concentrated.
中文关键词: 换能器  匹配层  背衬材料
英文关键词: transducer  matching layer  backing material
张雪晴 陕西师范大学 zxq1366373981@163.com 
尹冠军* 陕西师范大学 yinchamp@snnu.edu.cn 
张家裕 陕西师范大学 408560404@qq.com 
冉建清 陕西师范大学 1754062532@qq.com 
杨雪冰 陕西师范大学 781232836@qq.com 
郭建中 陕西师范大学 guojz@snnu.edu.cn 
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