梁基重,葛健,宋建成,徐玉东,刘宏,钟黎明,刘奇峰.基于卷积神经网络的气体绝缘组合开关盆式 绝缘子螺栓松动检测方法*[J].,2023,42(3):566-576
基于卷积神经网络的气体绝缘组合开关盆式 绝缘子螺栓松动检测方法*
Looseness detection method of gas insulated switchgear basin insulator bolts based on convolutional neural network
投稿时间:2022-02-09  修订日期:2023-04-25
      Basin-type insulator is the key insulation device of GIS. It is fastened and connected with the flanges of the gas chambers on both sides by bolts. When the bolts are loose, the stress distribution of the basin insulator will be uneven, and in severe cases, the insulator will be cracked, which will affect the safety and stability of GIS operation. The article builds an ultrasonic detection system for the looseness of flange bolts of basin insulators to obtain ultrasonic signals of different bolts under different working conditions, The features of the ultrasonic signals are extracted based on the convolutional neural network and compared with BP neural network. The experimental results show that the convolutional neural network can automatically extract the GIS basin insulator bolt loosening feature quantity, and the recognition accuracy of ten bolt loosening conditions reaches 100%, which has certain advantages compared with the BP neural network. The method is applied to a basin-type insulation bolt loosening detection system, and the detection is accurate and the effect is obvious.
中文关键词: GIS  盆式绝缘子  超声波  卷积神经网络  螺栓松动检测  压电片
英文关键词: GIS  basin insulator  ultrasonic  convolutional neural network  loose bolt detection  Piezo
梁基重 国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院 385912226@qq.com 
葛健 太原理工大学 1169214120@qq.com 
宋建成* 太原理工大学矿用智能电器技术国家地方联合工程实验室 sjc6018@163.com 
徐玉东 国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院 2669737099@qq.com 
刘宏 国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院 702396797@qq.com 
钟黎明 国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院 3496197646@qq.com 
刘奇峰 国网吕梁供电公司 yc960221@163.com 
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