The effect of characteristics of voice and sound field on the elderly’s speech intelligibility and subjective evaluation of voice alarms
投稿时间:2022-04-06  修订日期:2023-07-06
      Voice alarm broadcast is an effective method to improve evacuation efficiency in emergency situations. This paper mainly studied how the voice and sound field factors affect the intelligibility and subjective evaluation of the voice alarms in the elderly group with the laboratory experiment. The subjective evaluation included the evaluation of ease of listening and the perceived urgency. The results showed that the elderly’s speech intelligibility and ease of listening were mainly affected by speech rate, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and reverberation time (RT). The elderly’s intelligibility score and ease of listening rating showed a consistent trend when changing with these factors: they both increased with speech rate and RT getting lower, and they increased with the increase of SNR. However, sound pressure level (SPL) above 60 dB, whether there is tone before the voice and noise type had no significant effect on elderly’s intelligibility score and ease of listening rating. The perceived urgency increased with the increase of the speech rate and SPL, but the SNR, RT and whether there is tone before the voice had no significant effect on it. The intelligibility and perceived urgency to voice alarms broadcast in human voice were significantly higher than those to the alarms broadcast in the synthetic voice. The analysis on group differences showed that there were significant differences in the intelligibility and subjective evaluation affected by speech rate, SPL and noise type between young and old groups. In order to establish an ideal and safe acoustic environment for the elderly, it is necessary to adopt human voice broadcasting and reduce speech rate to ensure intelligibility. Meanwhile, it is necessary to improve the condition of reverberation and noise.
中文关键词: 警报语音  言语可懂度  感知紧迫性  老年群体
英文关键词: Voice alarm  Speech intelligibility  Perceived urgency  The elderly
王炜宇 天津大学 建筑学院建筑技术研究所 874476980@qq.com 
马蕙 天津大学 建筑学院建筑技术研究所 mahui@tju.edu.cn 
王超* 天津大学 建筑学院建筑技术研究所 pdwangchao@tju.edu.cn 
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