张 磊,王赫鸣,刘远强,徐 海,王 志.电动水上飞机低噪声螺旋桨翼型优化*[J].,2023,42(4):871-879
Aerofoil optimization of low noise propeller for electric seaplane
投稿时间:2022-04-15  修订日期:2023-06-29
      Taking the RAF-6 airfoil, which is used by an electric seaplane, as the research object. Firstly, the lift and drag coefficient and aerodynamic noise of the two-dimensional airfoil were calculated by CFD/FW-H method. Secondly, linear superposition of shape function is used to describe the geometry of the airfoil. Furthermore, an aerodynamic noise optimization was conducted by using genetic algorithm applied with response surface model. The optimization takes the coefficient of shape function as the variable, the minimum aerodynamic noise of the airfoil as the optimization objective, and the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil as the constraint. The comparision between the optimized airfoil and the original airfoil shows that on the premise of ensuring the aerodynamic performance of the optimized airfoil, the sound pressure level of the optimized airfoil is reduced by 2.17dB, and the noise is significantly reduced in all frequencies and directions.
中文关键词: 气动噪声  螺旋桨  翼型优化  降噪  遗传算法
英文关键词: Aerodynamic noise  Propeller  Airfoil Optimization  Noise reduction  Genetic algorithm
张 磊 中国民用航空沈阳航空器适航审定中心 沈阳 zhangl@syacc.org 
王赫鸣 沈阳航空航天大学航空发动机学院 沈阳 1119463815@qq.com 
刘远强 沈阳航空航天大学 Liuyuanqiang1988@126.com 
徐 海 中国民用航空沈阳航空器适航审定中心 沈阳 xuh@syacc.org 
王 志* 沈阳航空航天大学航空发动机学院 wangzi629@163.com 
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