Bird voice recognition algorithm based on Mel spectrum value and deep learning network
投稿时间:2022-04-25  修订日期:2023-07-07
      In order to enhance the feature learning ability of the network to the birdsong signal and improve the recognition accuracy, a birdsong recognition method based on depth residual shrinkage network and expanded convolution is proposed. Firstly, the logarithmic Mel feature and its first-order and second-order difference coefficients of birdsong signal are extracted to form a logmel feature set as the input of the network model; Secondly, the noise threshold is automatically learned through the depth residual shrinkage network to reduce the noise interference; Then, the expanded convolution is introduced to increase the receptive field of convolution kernel, and the attention mechanism is used to make the network pay more attention to the characteristics of key frames; Finally, the long-term dependence is learned from the learned local features through the two-way long-term and short-term memory network. Taking 19 kinds of common Chinese birds in birdsdata as the experimental object, the recognition accuracy can reach 96.58%. Compared with the recognition results of the model under different signal-to-noise ratio data, the results show that the recognition effect of the model in noise environment is better than that of the existing model.
中文关键词: 鸟声识别  logMel特征  DRSN  扩张卷积神经  注意力机制
英文关键词: bird song recognition  logMel feature  DRSN  dilated convolutions  attention mechanism
李大鹏 南京信息工程大学 2801882418@qq.com 
周晓彦* 南京信息工程大学 xiaoyan_zhou@nuist.edu.cn 
王基豪 南京信息工程大学 1090947435@qq.com 
王丽丽 南京信息工程大学 2799270957@qq.com 
叶如 南京信息工程大学 1185454881@qq.com 
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