Video transmission system based on ultrasonic wireless communication across metal thick wall
投稿时间:2022-05-04  修订日期:2023-04-26
      视频无线传输作为高速通信技术的重要应用场景之一,目前在跨金属超声无线通信领域还鲜见报道,为此,基于FPGA芯片采用单载波时域均衡技术(SC-TDE)搭建了一套高速的跨金属超声无线通信系统。系统以工作频率10 MHz的PZT超声换能器作为超声波的发射端和接收端,基于符号LMS算法在FPGA中构建自适应时域均衡器以实现回波消除。以系统摄像头所采集现场视频数据作为信号源,开展了在厚度50 mm铝板双侧之间的超声无线通信试验。结果表明在穿透厚铝板时,SC-TDE让系统接收信噪比由原来的12 dB提高到26 dB,使得实时视频无线传输得以实现。
      As one important application of high-speed communication, video wireless transmission was rarely reported in the field of ultrasonic wireless communication through metal barriers. In this article single carrier time-domain Equalization (SC-TDE) based on FPGA was adopted to establish a miniature system of high-speed ultrasonic wireless communication through metal sheets. This system was mainly composed of a pair of 10 MHz PZT transducers for transmitting and receiving ultrasonic waves, and an adaptive time-domain equalizer based on sign-LMS algorithm for canceling echoes. By using video data from the camera connected to the system as the signal source, the ultrasonic wireless communication across a 50 mm thick aluminum sheet was carried out. The results indicated that SC-TDE significantly increased the signal to noise ratio from 12 dB to 26 dB, and allowed the successful accomplishing of the real-time video wireless transmission though the aluminum sheet.
中文关键词: 超声波无线通信  视频无线传输  自适应时域均衡器  回波消除
英文关键词: ultrasonic wireless communication  video wireless transmission  adaptive time-domain equalizer  echo cancellation
崔红涛 南京邮电大学 1351678030@qq.com 
曹自平* 南京邮电大学 caozp@njupt.edu.cn 
孙超林 南京邮电大学 1433764953@qq.com 
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