Support vector machine-based two-parameter B-line identification method using ultrasound radio frequency signal
投稿时间:2022-05-10  修订日期:2023-08-29
      Special artifact B-line of lung ultrasound has important significance for clinical diagnosis of lung lesions like pulmonary edema and so on. However, accurate diagnosis depends on subjective judgment of the doctor. In order to identify B line objectively and automatically, so as to improve the diagnostic accuracy, a B-line identification method for lung ultrasound using ultrasonic echo radio frequency (RF) signals was proposed. The t-test and Bayes test methods were used to test distinction and Identification correlation of several characteristic parameters including permutation entropy, information entropy, kurtosis, skewness and energy between B-Line and non-B-Line area. Different two-parameter combinations were input into nonlinear SVM for classification. The classification results of these combinations were compared. The results showed that the two-parameter combination of information entropy and permutation entropy parameters had the best classification effect based on RF signals, with a sensitivity of 90.521%, specificity of 98.106%, accuracy of 96.328% and AUC of 0.95. After the post-processing algorithm, the identification effect of B-line was further improved, and the average sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of classification were 95.23%, 97.22% and 96.88% respectively. The results showed that the SVM two-parameter B-line identification method based on RF data had important value in assisting clinical diagnosis, and the combination of information entropy and permutation entropy could identify the B-line with high precision.
中文关键词: 肺超声,B线,射频信号,双参量,支持向量机
英文关键词: Lung Ultrasound  B-Line  RF signal  Two-parameter  SVM
张皓宇 西安交通大学 13669190756@163.com 
马泉龙 西安交通大学 2516444916@qq.com 
张蕾 西安交通大学 zhlei012@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 
钟徽* 西安交通大学 bmezhonghui@xjtu.edu.cn 
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