杨志刚.从表演者角度论述歌剧院的声学研究和设计[J].,2023,42(5):897-907 |
从表演者角度论述歌剧院的声学研究和设计 |
Acoustic research and design of opera houses from performers |
投稿时间:2022-05-15 修订日期:2022-11-08 |
中文摘要: |
本文从解决歌手与乐队竞争的谜团入手,详述了歌剧院乐队演奏(缺乏高频声)和歌剧唱法(高频的歌手共振峰)的声音特点,进而提出了歌手和乐队之间平衡的声学设计(即放大歌手的歌唱声并适当降低乐队的演奏声,观众听起来歌手和乐队之间的声音保持平衡),重点论述了乐池的声学设计。然后分别从提高表演者的相互听闻(为了合奏的同步性)和提高房间的声反馈(为了控制演奏的响度)进行了论述,得出从表演者角度进行声学研究和设计的重要性。 |
英文摘要: |
This paper starts with solving the mystery of the competition between singers and bands, details the sound characteristics of opera band performance (lack of high frequency sound) and opera singing (high frequency singer formants), and then proposes a balanced acoustics between singers and bands Design (amplifying the vocals of the singers and moderately reducing the playing of the band so that the audience sounds balanced between the singers and the band), focusing on the acoustic design of the orchestra pit. It then discusses the importance of performing acoustic research and design from a performer"s perspective, from improving the performers" mutual hearing (for ensemble synchronization) and improving the room"s acoustic feedback (for controlling the loudness of the performance). |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.05.001 |
中文关键词: 歌手共振峰、声喇叭、乐池声学、相互听闻、房间声反馈 |
英文关键词: singer formant, acoustic horn, orchestra pit acoustics, mutual hearing, room acoustic feedback |
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