Application of ultrasonic array method in damage detection of layered structures
投稿时间:2022-05-19  修订日期:2023-08-30
      The damage of layered reinforced concrete structure, such as cracks and disjoint between layers, is small and hidden. It can not be accurately identified and quantitatively evaluated by conventional detection methods. The layered ballastless track structure of high-speed rail is taken as the research object. The half-matrix data are collected by the array ultrasonic equipment, and the internal structure and damage of the track are imaged by the total focusing method (TFM). The shortest arrival time of ultrasonic wave propagation in layered media is calculated by linear travel time interpolation (LTI) ray tracing algorithm. As a result, TFM has higher resolution, more accurate depth, and better focus. An evaluation method of interlayer compactness is proposed. The density index is calculated by analyzing the difference of reflected wave energy based on surface ultrasonic direct wave energy, which can quantitatively analyze the interlayer state of ballastless track. In this paper, the method can effectively identify the intra-layer cracks and interlayer separation cracks of lamellar ballastless track, which has a reference significance for the use of ultrasonic detection of lamellar structure and interlayer damage.
中文关键词: 层状结构  无砟轨道  全聚焦  射线追踪  定量分析
英文关键词: Layered structure  Ballastless track  TFM  Ray tracing  Quantitative analysis
张邦* 中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司 zhangbang@crfsdi.com 
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