杨丽荣,江川,黎嘉骏,曹冲,周俊.基于局部线性嵌入的特征融合方法在岩石破裂 状态分类的应用*[J].,2023,42(5):971-983
基于局部线性嵌入的特征融合方法在岩石破裂 状态分类的应用*
Application of locally linear embedding-based feature fusion method in rock fracture state classification
投稿时间:2022-05-26  修订日期:2023-08-29
      In order to obtain the effective AE signal characteristics of the rock fracture process and better classify the rock fracture state, A LLE feature fusion method is presented for data dimension reduction. With red sandstone as the research object design indoor uniaxial compression experiment to collect the signal, and then the original acoustic emission signal pretreatment and signal features extracted, the feature vectors in the time and frequency domains are recombined into a new set of multi-dimensional feature vectors, using linear principal (PCA) and manifold learning LLE algorithm respectively.Comparing the two algorithms after the fusion effect of two-dimensional and three-dimensional distribution, using LLE algorithm, four state distribution is relatively closer, showed a horizontal line trend, and each state cross aliasing number is less, the first state without a sample error, and four states compared with the PCA after the clustering effect is more concentrated.By comparing the sum of the sensitivity of fusion features of the two algorithms after dimension reduction, the sum of fusion features of LLE algorithm is much larger than that of PCA algorithm, which shows that the fusion features obtained by LLE algorithm after dimension reduction represent more of the local information contained in the original signal and proves that LLE algorithm has better clustering effect compared with PCA algorithm.Finally, according to the classification of sandstone fracture states under LLE feature fusion, the recognition rate of the fusion features increased by 6% compared with a single time-domain feature identification.It shows that this method can significantly improve the identification rate of rock rupture state classification, and the dimension reduction performance is relatively outstanding.
中文关键词: 声发射信号  砂岩破裂状态分类  LLE  PCA  降维  融合特征敏感度  聚类效果
英文关键词: acoustic emission signal  classification of sandstone rupture state  locally linear embedding  principal component analysis  dimensionality reduction  Fusion Feature Sensitivity  clustering effect
杨丽荣* 江西理工大学机电工程学院 2829134833@qq.com 
江川 江西理工大学机电工程学院 2829134833@qq.com 
黎嘉骏 江西理工大学机电工程学院 906462005@qq.com 
曹冲 江西理工大学机电工程学院 172035074@qq.com 
周俊 江西理工大学机电工程学院 2902473540@qq.com 
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