The noise satisfaction in typical urban subway platforms
投稿时间:2022-06-23  修订日期:2023-11-05
      地铁是城市轨道交通重要组成部分,地铁站台噪声对乘客身心健康有重要影响。以合肥轨道交通一号线为例,具体选择地下侧式、地下双岛式和地下岛式3个典型空间类型的地铁站台为研究对象,通过噪声测量和问卷调查相结合的方法,针对地铁在不同运营时段的乘客站台噪声满意度与噪声声元素舒适度进行评价,探讨性别、声元素舒适度以及站台噪声对乘客噪声满意度的影响。结果表明:对地铁站台噪声满意度评价,乘客性别差异不显著;在乘车高峰期时段,地铁站台广播提示声、地铁工作人员吹哨声、列车进站声和列车出站声是影响乘客站台噪声满意度主观评价的主要噪声声元素;乘客噪声满意度主观评价与站台噪声值呈强负相关,噪声值越高,满意度越低;乘客噪声满意度为可接受时的地铁站台噪声阈值,在乘车高峰期时段为74 dB(A),非高峰期时段为67 dB(A)。该文工作可为城市地铁站台噪声满意度评价及其空间结构设计提供科学参考。
      The subway is an important part of urban rail transportation, and the noise from the subway platform has an important impact on the physical and mental health of passengers. Taking the Hefei Metro Line 1 as an example, this paper specifically selects subway platforms of three typical spatial types, including underground side, underground double island and underground island, as the research objects, by means of noise measurement and questionnaire survey, the noise satisfaction and comfort of each type of noise are evaluated in different periods of subway operation,?the effects of gender, comfort of each type of noise and platform noise on passenger noise satisfaction are respectively investigated. The results show that there is no significant difference for gender in the satisfaction evaluation of subway platform noise. During the rush hour, the main noise elements that affect the subjective evaluation of platform noise satisfaction are the announcement sound of subway platform, whistling sound of subway staff, train arrival sound and train departure sound. There is a strong negative correlation between the subjective evaluation of passengers'' satisfaction with noise and the platform noise. The higher the noise, the lower the satisfaction. The threshold of subway platform noise when passenger noise satisfaction is acceptable is 74 dB(A) in rush hours and 67 dB(A) in off-peak hours. This paper can provide scientific reference in the noise satisfaction evaluation of urban subway platforms and their space structure layout.
中文关键词: 地铁站台声环境  主观评价  声元素舒适度  噪声满意度  噪声
英文关键词: Subway platform sound environment  Subjective evaluation  Comfort of each type of noise  Noise satisfaction  Noise
毛毅菲 安徽建筑大学数理学院 1652541025@qq.com 
张学勇* 安徽建筑大学数理学院 xyzhang@ahjzu.edu.cn 
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