Finite element simulation study on optimization of ultrasonic detection for baffle bolts of nuclear power reactor internals
投稿时间:2022-06-25  修订日期:2023-11-01
      Baffle bolts are the key fastening elements of the internal components in the nuclear power reactor internals, and the typical baffle bolts are mainly in the form of external hexagon. In the process of service in harsh environments such as long-term irradiation and vibration, its fracture toughness decreases and its brittleness increases. Eventually, the bolt degenerates and cracks or breaks off, which requires regular non-destructive testing. However, due to the complexity of its structure, it is still difficult for existing ultrasonic testing methods to effectively detect it. In order to further improve the detection ability of ultrasonic detection methods for internal defects of baffle bolts, this study aims at the typical defect failure forms of baffle bolts of reactor internal components, and carries out ultrasonic detection methods and process studies suitable for different areas of baffle bolts (bolt transition area, screw area and thread area) through finite element numerical simulation technology. The ultrasonic probe excitation frequency, element size and ultrasonic incidence angle are optimized to achieve the detection goal of 15% of the defect cross-sectional area in different regions. It provides theoretical guidance for the development of an ultrasonic sensor for baffle bolts of internal components with high matching and high sensitivity, and for realizing high-precision detection of the sensitive areas of baffle bolts.
中文关键词: 堆内构件  围板螺栓  超声检测  仿真优化
英文关键词: Reactor internals  Baffle bolt  Ultrasonic inspection  Simulation optimization
刘登荣 西安交通大学 liudengrong@stu.xjtu.edu.cn 
刘天浩 西安交通大学 liutianhao1993@stu.xjtu.edu.cn 
裴翠祥 西安交通大学 pei.cx@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 
蔡文路 西安交通大学  
汤建帮 中广核检测技术有限公司  
马官兵 中广核检测技术有限公司  
吴宇坤 中广核检测技术有限公司  
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