Estimation of target velocity based on Sevcik dimension of spectrum
投稿时间:2022-07-03  修订日期:2023-11-01
      In acoustic target passive estimation applications, when there is motion relative to the target, there is a Doppler shift in the noise signal radiated by the received target. The Doppler shift contains information about the motion parameters of the target. Aiming at the problem of obtaining the motion parameters of the Doppler shift target of the line spectral signal, a method for obtaining the motion speed of the target based on the Sevcik dimension of the spectrum is proposed. The Received Signal is resampled using the Doppler-warping transform, then Sevcik dimensions are obtained for the resampled spectral signal, and finally the speed estimate is achieved by looking for the Sevcik minimum. Simulation confirms the effectiveness of the proposed method, under the same simulation conditions, the proposed method compared with the spectrum entropy algorithm, the speed search results not only have a narrower main lobe width, but also can improve the noise immunity of about 5dB. The speed estimation error of the two sets of experimental data is less than 5%, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
中文关键词: 多普勒频移  Sevcik维数  速度估计
英文关键词: Doppler frequency shift  Sevcik dimension  velocity estimation
赵晓静 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学部 青岛 2532210858@qq.com 
高大治* 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学部 青岛 dzgao@ouc.eud.cn 
孙凯 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学部 青岛 17866629193@163.com 
李玉征 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学部 青岛 1915659555@qq.com 
郭豆豆 中国海洋大学 信息科学与工程学部 青岛 18003483756@163.com 
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