Evaluation of the effect of water bag on high intensity focused ultrasound in the treatment of uterine fibroids
投稿时间:2022-07-18  修订日期:2023-11-01
      As a special coupling method, water bag plays an important role in the treatment of uterine fibroids by high-intensity focused ultrasound. However, it also makes the acoustic passage more complicated and negatively affects the efficiency of ultrasound treatment and the quality of ultrasound-guiding image. Based on the realistic clinical settings, k-Wave acoustic simulation software was used to establish a model of the target tissue being irradiated by high-intensity focused ultrasound and its ultrasonic guidance process. The therapeutic efficiency and guiding image quality were quantitatively evaluated in two scenarios with or without water bag. These results show that the acoustic focusing became worse and the maximum temperature at the focal region decreased after the water bag was added. By analyzing the resolution, contrast, contrast noise and background signal-to-noise ratio of ultrasonic image, it is found that the quality of ultrasonic image decreased when there was a water bag within the acoustic passage. Numerical simulation model established in this paper can preliminarily assess the influence of water bag on the treatment efficiency and on the monitoring image quality. The proposed method can be used as a kind of evaluation platform for optimizing the water bag parameters, such as its material, thickness, shape, and its internal solution composition. This study also laid the foundation for searching for new water bag with experiment methods in the future.
中文关键词: 高强度聚焦超声  水囊  k-Wave  治疗效率  成像质量
英文关键词: High intensity focused ultrasound  Water bag  k-Wave  Treatment efficiency  Imaging quality
陈燕华 超声医学工程国家重点实验室, 重庆医科大学生物医学工程学院 chenyanhua1886@163.com 
冯炼 超声医学工程国家重点实验室, 重庆医科大学生物医学工程学院 546115365@qq.com 
周芳 超声医学工程国家重点实验室, 重庆医科大学生物医学工程学院 zxfangg@163.com 
王永领 超声医疗国家工程研究中心 1093993321@qq.com 
周小伟* 超声医学工程国家重点实验室, 重庆医科大学生物医学工程学院 zhou.xiaowei@cqmu.edu.cn 
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