权鹏,沙正骁,梁菁,史丽军,张净.小角度纵波水浸超声检测技术在消除锻件结构盲区中的应用[J].,2023,42(6):1165-1169 |
小角度纵波水浸超声检测技术在消除锻件结构盲区中的应用 |
Application of small-angled oblique longitudinal immersed ultrasonic testing in the elimination of structural blind zones in forgings |
投稿时间:2022-07-18 修订日期:2023-11-01 |
中文摘要: |
航空发动机中的后轴颈锻件一般采用水浸超声纵波直入射方法检测内部缺陷。由于型面结构的原因,在锻件的直筒和锥形段连接区域存在检测盲区。本文针对某型号发动机中的后轴颈锻件,开展了水浸超声检测工艺研究,提出利用小角度纵波覆盖盲区的思路[1]。通过对含有人工缺陷的模拟样件的检测试验,比较了水浸纵波直入射和小角度纵波斜入射两种检测方法对后轴颈连接区域的覆盖能力。结果表明,本文提出的小角度纵波方法,可以有效检测出水浸纵波直入射检测方法无法发现的人工缺陷,消除由结构引起的检测盲区,保障零件的服役安全。 |
英文摘要: |
The rear journals in aero-engines were normally inspected for internal defects by means of normal incident longitudinal immersed UT method. However, an inspection blind zone may exist at the joint area between the straight part and cone-shaped part of the forgings due to the profile structure. In this work, the immersed UT technique was studied with regards to the rear journal forgings of a certain aero-engine prototype. The small-angled oblique longitudinal method was raised to cover the blind zones. Inspection experiments were carried out on mock-up samples with artificial defects, and the coverage for the joint area of the rear journal were compared among different inspection methods as normal incident longitudinal immersed technique and small-angled oblique longitudinal immersed technique. The results showed that the presented small-angled oblique technique was capable of detecting artificial defects that was undetectable by traditional methods, and that it can be used to eliminate the inspection blind zones caused by the structure, and therefore ensuring the serving security of the assemblies. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.06.007 |
中文关键词: 超声检测盲区、小角度纵波检测、后轴颈锻件 |
英文关键词: UT inspection blind zone, small-angled oblique longitudinal inspection, rear journal forgings |
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