Analysis of channel characteristics of microfluidic chips by ultrasonic C-scan
投稿时间:2022-07-29  修订日期:2023-11-01
      微流控芯片流道宽度处于微米尺度,存在特征辨识困难的问题。该文选取两种具有不同流道宽度和布局的典型微流控芯片,采用超声C扫描技术进行流道特征成像。利用标称中心频率15 MHz、10 MHz和5 MHz聚焦探头实施水浸C扫描检测,并分析中心频率、焦斑直径、扫描步进等关键参数对流道表征的影响。实验结果表明,对于流道宽度200 μm的微流控芯片,当探头中心频率不低于10 MHz,扫描步进不超过0.1 mm时,成像分辨力和流道表征效果最佳,且流道中心间距测量误差不超过5%。同时,超声C扫描图像可以反映流道宽度变化,辨识发生堵塞的微流控芯片。
      The widths of the channels in microfluidic chips are at the micron scale, inducing difficulty in feature recognition. In this paper, the ultrasonic C-scan technique is introduced to implement imaging characterization for two typical microfluidic chips with different channel widths and layouts. The C-scan was performed by water immersion using the focusing probes with nominal center frequencies of 15 MHz, 10 MHz and 5 MHz. The effects of key parameters, e.g., center frequency, focal diameter and scanning interval, on channel characterization were analyzed. The experimental results show that the imaging resolution and characterization effects are the best for the microfluidic chip with 200 μm channel widths, when the center frequency of probe is not less than 10 MHz and the scanning interval is within 0.1 mm. The measurement error of channel center distance is no more than 5%. Meanwhile, the change of channel width can be determined by ultrasonic C-scan images to identify the blocked microfluidic chip.
DOI:: 10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.06.002
中文关键词: 超声C扫描  微流控芯片  流道  分辨力
英文关键词: ultrasonic C-scan  microfluidic chip  channel  resolution
金士杰 大连理工大学无损检测研究所 大连 116085 jinshijie@dlut.edu.cn 
杨雅喃 大连理工大学无损检测研究所 大连 116085 1098088215@qq.com 
田鑫 大连理工大学无损检测研究所 大连 116085 txin0615@126.com 
史思琪 大连理工大学无损检测研究所 大连 116085 siqishi@mail.dlut.edu.cn 
林莉* 大连理工大学无损检测研究所 大连 116085 linli@dlut.edu.cn 
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