Analysis of low-frequency acoustic wave regulation of non-axisymmetric pentamode metamaterials
投稿时间:2022-08-03  修订日期:2023-11-04
      In order to realize the effective regulation of low-frequency sound waves by lightweight materials, on the basis of the traditional symmetrical double-cone pentamode metamaterial configuration, high-strength and corrosion-resistant TC4 titanium alloy and high-elasticity vulcanized rubber were selected as filling materials to construct a structure with local resonance. It is found that its energy band structure has a wider single-mode transmission region and a lower frequency phonon band gap. In order to strengthen the energy band performance of the unit cell, a dart-type structure and doping materials are introduced to construct a structure with The non-axisymmetric pentamode metamaterial unit cell with local resonance characteristics[国家自然科学基金项目(51975438) 作者简介: 杜阔(1999- ), 男, 湖北仙桃人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 声学超材料。 通信作者E-mail: xufx@whut.edu.cn ] is found to have a wider single-mode region and a better low-frequency phonon band gap through energy band analysis. In addition, the effects of the nodal circle radius, taper angle and dopant modulus of the dart structure on the band structure and quality factor are also investigated. The results show that the quality factor of the unit cell increases with the increase of the Young''s modulus of the doped material, and the control ability of the unit cell for low-frequency acoustic waves becomes stronger with the decrease of the structural symmetry. The absolute bandwidth of the designed non-axisymmetric unit cell single-mode region is increased by 2.5 times, and the relative bandwidth of the first band gap is increased by 57%. This paper provides an idea for the design of the unit cell configuration of pentamode metamaterials for low-frequency acoustic modulation.
中文关键词: 五模超材料  非轴对称结构  局域共振  声波调控
英文关键词: Pentamode material  Non-axisymmetric structure  Local resonance  Acoustic modulation
杜阔 武汉理工大学汽车工程学院 1273843638@qq.com 
徐峰祥* 武汉理工大学汽车工程学院 xufx@whut.edu.cn 
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