The layer-by-layer calculation method for reconstruction of scattered sound field in inhomogeneous fluid media
投稿时间:2022-08-07  修订日期:2023-11-01
      The reconstruction of scattered sound fields in inhomogeneous fluid media under the excitation of incoming sound waves is of great importance to ultrasonic tomography. In the past, the method of moments was used to solve the problem. However, the size of the complex full rank matrix formed by the method of global discretization increases sharply with the improvement of resolution and calculation accuracy, which has high requirements for computing power and limits its practical application to some extent. In order to overcome these shortcomings, based on the basic formulas of acoustic scattering and near-field acoustic holography, the theoretical formulas for calculating the scattered sound field in inhomogeneous fluid media layer by layer are deduced and the corresponding geometric dispersion models are given. To verify the feasibility of this method, the internal acoustic field reconstruction of the same media model is simulated with the method of moments as the reference. The results show that the layer-by-layer algorithm can not only effectively reconstruct the scattered sound field in non-uniform media, but also greatly reduce the solution size.
中文关键词: 逐层计算  近场声全息  非均匀流体介质内部散射声场  超声激励
英文关键词: Layer by layer calculation  Nearfield acoustic holography  Scattered sound field in inhomogeneous media  Ultrasonic excitation  
唐少杰 广西科技大学 shaojie.tang@qq.com 
向宇* 广西科技大学 xiangyu@gxust.edu.cn 
石梓玉 广西科技大学 shiziyuchn@qq.com 
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