Construction and application of wave function of sound field of rectangular element
投稿时间:2022-08-12  修订日期:2023-12-28
      In the wave superposition method, the sound field outside the structure is obtained by integrating and superimposing the Green function on the discrete boundary, but the computational efficiency of the numerical integration is low. In order to avoid numerical integration and improve computational efficiency, a wave function is constructed to replace the sound field integrated by Green function of discrete element. Firstly, by using the solution of Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinate system, the general wave function and the more efficient internal wave function are derived instead of the rectangular element integral. Secondly, when the discrete element is square, it is approximated to a circular domain, which further simplifies the expression of the extrapolated wave function. Finally, the constructed wave function is applied to the acoustic field calculation. The numerical results show that the wave function constructed not only ensures the accuracy of calculation, but also improves the efficiency of calculation compared with direct integration. Among them, the computational efficiency of the wave function in the general form and the extrapolation form in the rectangular domain is 5-6 times that of the direct integration, and the computational efficiency of the extrapolation wave function in the circular domain is 12-13 times that of the direct integration. In the calculation of simply supported plate sound source and cubic box radiation sound source, the calculation accuracy of the acoustic field of the push wave function in the circular domain is higher than that of the equivalent source method in the whole calculation frequency band.
中文关键词: 等效源法  波叠加法  波函数  辐射声场
英文关键词: equivalent source method  wave superposition method  wave function  radiated sound field
贺佐潦霜 广西科技大学 hezuoliaoshuang@qq.com 
向宇* 广西科技大学 xiangyu@gxust.edu.cn 
石梓玉 广西科技大学 629786620@qq.com 
陈岩豪 广西科技大学 2684877275@qq.com 
陆静 广西科技大学 gxustlj@126.com 
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