Diagnosis analysis and control method of booming noise in car’s passenger
投稿时间:2022-08-17  修订日期:2023-12-28
      In this paper, diagnosis, analysis and control of the roar of a passenger car under acceleration conditions are carried out. First of all, the problem conditions are determined through subjective evaluation, and through the real vehicle test, it is found that there is obvious roaring noise in the car around 2400rpm. Using order analysis, modal analysis and frequency-staggered verification, it can be seen that the engine excitation is transmitted to the sub-frame through the suspension, causing the resonance of the sub-frame, which is then transmitted to the interior of the vehicle to cause a roaring sound. Finally, the subframe rubber bushing structure is optimized by transfer analysis and flexible connection point admittance method. The results show that after optimization, the difference between the total sound pressure level at 2400rpm and the second-order sound pressure is 7.5dB(A); the booming noise was significantly reduced..
中文关键词: 轰鸣声  模态分析  传递路径分析  副车架衬套优化
英文关键词: Booming noise, Modal analysis, Transfer path analysis, Subframe bushing optimization
蒋邹 柳州铠玥科技有限公司 jz117124@163.com 
梁莹 上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 995042271@qq.com 
吴文栋 柳州铠玥科技有限公司 417730872@qq.com 
罗玉军* 广西科技大学 lyjlzd@163.com 
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