Method for sound velocity measurement in a water-filled elastic tube with four hydrophones
投稿时间:2022-09-20  修订日期:2024-01-02
      The measurement of acoustic parameters of underwater acoustic materials in the laboratory is mainly carried out in the underwater acoustic tube, and the sound velocity of the plane wave in the tube is the basis of the correct measurement of these parameters. This paper proposes a new method for measuring the sound velocity in a water-filled elastic tube based on four hydrophones combined with different boundaries. Four hydrophones at fixed positions are adopted for this method and the least squares method is uesd. The sound velocity of the plane wave in the tube is the optimal value that can minimize the square of the difference of the sound pressure of the incident waves at the rear boundary obtained by the two groups of hydrophones. This method can measure the sound velocity at each frequency point through a single frequency signal, and the sound velocity can be measured under any boundary without knowing the precise distance from each hydrophone to the boundary. The measurement results of the sound velocity under the three boundaries in this paper are in good agreement, and the experimental operation is simple and the fluctuation of the error is small. The simulation result well conforms to the theoretical value of the sound velocity in the tube, and the error between the measurement result and the simulation result is very small, which demonstrates the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method. It provides a good reference for the sound velocity measurement in a sound tube.
中文关键词: 充水弹性管  声速测量  四水听器
英文关键词: Water-filled elastic tube  Sound velocity measurement  Four hydrophones
寻天雨 中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学部 青岛 266100 1911481935@qq.com 
邹新宇 中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学部 青岛 266100 1346444195@qq.com 
郁高坤* 中国海洋大学信息科学与工程学部 青岛 266100 gkyu@ouc.edu.cn 
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