Study on fracture and cavity fine evaluation technique using acoustic remote detection logging and seismic exploration
投稿时间:2022-09-27  修订日期:2023-11-02
      Seismic exploration has a wide investigation scope and a large spatial scale. Its data acquistion, processing and interpretaion system are complete and own a high utilization rate, but its vertical resolution is low. Acoustic remote detection logging is capable of detecting anomalous bodies that exist tens of meters away from the borehole, which overcome the limitation of shallow investigation depth for conventional logging and has a high resolution in vertical, circumferential and radial directions, but dipole shear wave remote dection has 180 degree orientional ambiguity, and the radial detection range is less than that of seismic exploration. This study combines the advantages of both, and through the comprehensive analysis of the remote detection and seismic response characteristics of the fracture-cavity geological anomalies, constrains the remote detection orientional interpretation results, finely characterizes the morphology and development of the geological anomalies, improves the lateral extension information of the remote detection logs, effectively improves the accuracy of the remote detection interpretation, and finally forms a comprehensive evaluation technology of acoustic remote detection logs and seismic integrated seamhole, which improves the drilling hit probability and development efficiency of the seamhole oil and gas reservoir. The result is a comprehensive evaluation technology that integrates acoustic remote logging and seismic to improve the drilling encounter rate and development efficiency of seamhole reservoirs. With the application in Tahe Area, etc., description and interpretation of multi-scale, all-round and high-precision for geological anomalous body is developed, which provides a new idea to avoid off-target caused by insufficient seismic resolution in oil and gas exploration.
中文关键词: 声波远探测  地震勘探  井震结合  缝洞雕刻  精细评价
英文关键词: Acoustic remote detection logging  Seismic exploration  Logging and sesmic exploration integration  Caves and fractures
许孝凯* 中石化经纬公司地质测控技术研究院 东营 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
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