Acoustic environment perception and its influencing factors of costal public space in Qingdao
投稿时间:2022-10-09  修订日期:2024-03-04
      滨海公共空间是滨海城市人居环境的重要组成部分,其声环境质量是影响公共空间环境体验的关键因素。本研究以青岛沿海岸线四类滨海公共空间(步道类、广场类、公园类、沙滩类)的声环境为对象,通过问卷调查和实地测量探索滨海公共空间声环境的特征、感知评价及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)滨海公共空间当前环境噪声水平基本不超过国家标准限值55dB(A) ,各类空间声环境客观特征显著不同:公园噪声水平最低,自然声源丰富;广场噪声水平最高,各种城市噪声较多;步道噪声水平较低,但受到交通噪声的影响;沙滩噪声水平较高,但以中低频的海浪声为主,比较稳定。(2)各类滨海公共空间的声源感知以自然声为主,但是广场的自然声源感知较少。此外,声环境的愉悦感评价普遍较高,但在事件感、吵闹度和总体满意度评价上具有显著差异:沙滩声环境总体评价最好,其次是公园,广场和步道的声环境则亟待改善。(3)交通噪声和最大声级Lmax对声环境的负面影响最为显著,此外受访者年龄也是影响滨海公共空间声环境感知评价的关键因素。研究结论可以为滨海公共空间声环境的优化设计提供理论依据。
      The coastal public space plays an important role in the coastal urban living environment, and its acoustic quality is vital to the environmental experience. Taking four types of coastal public spaces (walkways, squares, parks, and beaches) in Qingdao as the object, this study aimed to explore the acoustic characteristic, perception and influencing factors in coastal public spaces via questionnaire surveys and field measurements. The results show that: (1) The current environmental noise in coastal public space were generally lower than the limits of national standards of 55 dB(A). The acoustic characteristics of four space types were different: the sound pressure levels of parks were the lowest, and there were various natural sounds; the sound pressure levels of squares were the highest, and there was plenty of urban noise; walkways were relatively quiet, but occasionally influenced by traffic noise; the acoustic environment of beaches was dominant with low to moderate frequency components and constant with low temporal variability. (2) Natural sounds were perceived as the dominant sound sources, while they were perceived to be significantly lower in squares. The acoustic environments of coastal public space were generally evaluated to be highly pleasing, although there were significant differences in the evaluation of eventfulness, annoyance and satisfaction: the acoustic environment of beaches was evaluated to be the most satisfying and followed by that of parks, while the acoustic environment of squares and walkways needs to be improved urgently. (3) The perceived dominance of traffic noise and the maximum sound level Lmax were negatively related to the evaluation of the acoustic environment, and the age of the respondents was also a key factor influencing the acoustic perceptions in coastal public space. The research results were expected to provide theoretical guidance for the optimization of the acoustic environment in coastal public spaces.
中文关键词: 滨海公共空间  声环境  感知评价  影响因素
英文关键词: Coastal public space  Acoustic environment  Perception  Influencing factors
舒珊 青岛理工大学 shushan@qut.edu.cn 
杜倩倩* 青岛理工大学 2577349949@qq.com 
朴勋 青岛理工大学 piaoxun@qut.edu.cn 
李慧 青岛理工大学 892777621@qq.com 
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