Acoustic system design and test of ultrasonic scalpel
投稿时间:2022-10-13  修订日期:2024-03-04
      In order to take into account the high amplification coefficient of the stepped horn and the high fatigue strength at the sudden change section of the curve transition horn, this paper proposes an ultrasonic knife transducer with the fastest curve transition section. Firstly, the basic structure of sandwich piezoelectric transducer is designed based on equivalent circuit method. On this basis, combined with the ultrasonic knife working conditions and material properties, the basic structure of the transducer is accurately designed. Then, the transducer longitudinal vibration frequency and frequency response curve are obtained by FEM and experimental method, which further proves the effectiveness of the transducer designed in this paper. Finally, a series of tests are carried out on the designed transducer. The results show that the resonant frequency and output amplitude of the loadless transducer are measured, which is consistent with the design goal and simulation results. Connected to the load after coagulation, cutting effect is well.
中文关键词: 超声换能器  等效电路  FEM  谐振频率
英文关键词: Ultrasonic transducer  Equivalent circuit  FEM  Resonance frequency
韩道成 河南理工大学 机械与动力工程学院 焦作 212005020017@home.hpu.edu.cn 
杨志波 河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院 Yangzhibo@hpu.edu.cn 
郭强 河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院 Yangzhibo@hpu.edu.cn 
肖国庆 河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院 Yangzhibo@hpu.edu.cn 
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