Prediction and analysis of acoustic performance of annular bladder water silencer
投稿时间:2022-11-15  修订日期:2024-03-04
      As an effective noise control device, water silencer is widely used in water pipeline system. this paper uses modal matching method and finite element method to simulate the acoustic performance of annular bladder water silencer, analyzes the principle of acoustic characteristics of bladder water silencer, and study the influence of the relationship between the characteristic acoustic impedance of different media of the bladder water silencer on the acoustic performance. The results show that the gas plays a major role in reflection and attenuation of acoustic wave transmission in bladder water silencer due to impedance mismatch. With the increase of the characteristic impedance of rubber, the rubber will play a certain role in blocking the acoustic wave transmitted from the water. When the gas volume is compressed, the reflection and attenuation effect of the gas on the acoustic wave will gradually weaken, which will reduce the overall amplitude of the transmission loss curve of the bladder water silencer and weaken the acoustic attention performance.
中文关键词: 声学  环状气囊  水消声器  模态匹配法  特性声阻抗  传递损失
英文关键词: acoustic  annular bladder  water silencer  mode matching method  characteristic acoustic impedance  transmission loss
吴昊 哈尔滨工程大学 wh15663428618@163.com 
赵晓臣* 哈尔滨工程大学动力与能源工程学院 zhaoxiaochen@hrbeu.edu.cn 
王雪仁 中国人民解放军92537部队 wangxueren@aliyun.com 
李欣 中国人民解放军92537部队 lixin20170606@163.com 
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