王坤,谢连科,邢拓,巩泉泉,张国英,朱亦丹.主变压器噪声特性分析及复合隔声结构设计*[J].,2024,43(2):315-320 |
主变压器噪声特性分析及复合隔声结构设计* |
Main transformer noise characteristics analysis and composite sound insulation structure design |
投稿时间:2022-11-15 修订日期:2024-03-04 |
中文摘要: |
超高压变电站的主变压器的噪声影响已引起广泛关注。以某典型化设计的500kV变电站A的主变压器为例,进行了现场测试,得到其主变压器噪声能量主要集中在中低频范围内,且具备明显的线谱噪声特征。针对该噪声特点,提出了一种内插微穿孔板的双层带孔板型声学超材料的复合隔声结构。使用传递矩阵理论对该复合结构进行了分析,并在阻抗管中进行了实验验证。实验结果表明:该复合隔声结构具备针对性隔声要求,理论与实验传递损失曲线基本吻合。 |
英文摘要: |
The noise impact of the main transformer of an ultra-high voltage substation has attracted widespread attention. The main transformer of a typical designed 500kV substation A was taken as an example to test its noise situation. The results show that the main transformer noise energy is mainly concentrated in the low and medium frequency range, and has the characteristics of line spectrum. For this noise characteristic, a composite acoustic insulation structure is proposed which is composed of a double-layer perforated plate-type acoustic metamaterial and an interpolated microperforated panel. The composite structure is analyzed using transfer matrix theory and experimentally verified in an impedance tube. The experimental results show that the composite sound insulation structure has targeted sound insulation requirements, and the theoretical and experimental transmission loss curves basically match. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2024.02.009 |
中文关键词: 主变噪声 低频隔声 带孔板型超材料 微穿孔板 |
英文关键词: Main transformer noise Low frequency sound insulation Plate-type metamaterials with perforated Microperforated panel. |
基金项目:输变电工程职业健康影响自动化预测与评估关键技术研究(2021A-117) |
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