Strengthen mechanism of static mechanical properties of ultrasonic clinched joints
投稿时间:2022-11-21  修订日期:2024-03-07
      Clinching is a new technology for thin-plate material connection. It can realize the efficient connection of the same, dissimilar and multi-layer thin-plate materials without pre-hole and surface pretreatment. However, due to the low mechanical performance of clinched joints, the promotion and development of this connection technology are greatly limited. In order to solve this problem, this paper selects 5A06 aluminum alloy and TA1 titanium alloy for the same metal clinching. On this basis, the ultrasonic metal welding composite experiment was carried out. Based on static tensile test and scanning electron microscope analysis, the strengthening mechanism of ultrasonic welding on the mechanical properties of clinched joints was explored. The test results show that ultrasonic welding can effectively improve the mechanical properties of clinched joints, especially for aluminum alloy riveted joints. Ultrasonic welding improves the plasticity of the aluminum alloy plate, while the titanium alloysheet is hardened. After ultrasonic welding, the stress form of the clinched joint changes, from the stress on the neck to the stress on the welding area first and then on the neck, which is the fundamental reason for the composite strengthening of ultrasonic welding. Ultrasonic welding can form a certain depth of solid-phase welding inside the aluminum alloy clinched joint, which greatly improves the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy joint; while the internal solid-phase welding of the TA1 titanium alloy clinched joint is shallow, and the mechanical properties improvement is relatively low.
中文关键词: 超声金属焊  无铆连接  力学性能  微观组织  强化机制
英文关键词: Ultrasonic metal welding  clinching  mechanical properties  microstructure  strengthen mechanism
赵伦 深圳职业技术学院 智能制造技术研究院 广东深圳 lun_zhaokmust@163.com 
王世成 深圳职业技术学院 智能制造技术研究院 广东深圳 shichengwang98@126.com 
许龙* 中国计量大学 理学院 浙江杭州 xulong250864@163.com 
李激光 辽宁科技大学 材料与冶金学院 辽宁鞍山 laserli@sina.com 
霍小乐 深圳职业技术学院 智能制造技术研究院 广东深圳 huoxiaole01@126.com 
郭子鑫 深圳职业技术学院 智能制造技术研究院 广东深圳 zixin_guo@126.com 
林森 深圳职业技术学院 智能制造技术研究院 广东深圳 linsen233keep@163.com 
曾照海 河南天海电器有限公司 连接器本部新能源事业部 zengzhaohai@thb.com.cn 
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