A combinatorial algorithm for identification of the thermocline bounds
投稿时间:2022-11-21  修订日期:2024-04-27
      A kind of combinatorial algorithm for identifying the boundary of thermocline is proposed in this paper. This algorithm is based on the vertical gradient method and a kind of improved quasi-step function approximation method. To prove the universality and objectivity of the processing results, the dataset of BOA_Argo is used in this experiment. The temperature profiles of a specific Pacific Ocean area (0°~30°N, 135°E~165°E) are processed with this algorithm. The result reflects that this combinatorial algorithm can fit temperature profiles of low-attitude sea area with high quality and the RMSE of fitted temperatures is generally lower than 1.3℃. The boundaries of thermoclines acquired by this algorithm have more continuity and lower jitter in the direction of latitude. However, as for the temperature profiles of the middle and high-latitude sea area, the algorithm generally performs poorly. So, it is proper to take the boundaries of thermocline directly only by vertical method in the sea area of middle and high latitude.
中文关键词: 温跃层  BOA_Argo  拟阶梯函数逼近法  垂直梯度法
英文关键词: Thermocline  BOA_Argo  Quasi-step function approximation method  Vertical gradient method
马志川 山东科技大学 202083020054@sdust.edu.cn 
李倩倩* 山东科技大学 liqianqian@sdust.edu.cn 
曹守莲 山东科技大学 202082020001@sdust.edu.cn 
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