李炫辉,吴俊伟,袁懋诞,李明,刘晓睿,陈燕,纪轩荣.耐γ辐射匹配层的制备及其在超声换能器的应用*[J].,2024,43(3):641-647 |
耐γ辐射匹配层的制备及其在超声换能器的应用* |
Preparation of matching layer and application for γ-radiation resistant ultrasonic transducer |
投稿时间:2022-11-26 修订日期:2024-04-27 |
中文摘要: |
超声换能器是超声无损检测系统的核心器件。匹配层作为超声换能器的重要组成部分,能减小声阻抗失配造成的声能损失,提高换能器能量传输效率。传统超声换能器由于匹配层等有机材料在射线辐照条件下引起化学键断裂而失效,从而影响检测的准确性。为了研制高性能耐辐射超声换能器,本文选择具有良好耐辐射性能的双酚A型环氧树脂作为基体,氧化铝陶瓷粉末作为无机填料,制备了不同氧化铝含量的匹配层(0%~80%),研究了该系列匹配层样品经过γ射线辐照后的颜色、密度、声速、声阻抗和声衰减的变化情况。随着辐照剂量的增加(0~1000kGy),样品的颜色逐渐加深,密度几乎保持不变;声速,声阻抗和声衰减略有提高。基于该匹配层,研制了中心频率9MHz的超声换能器,换能器辐照前后信号变化不大,表明该系列匹配层在较大剂量辐照下仍然具有良好的声学性能,是较为优异的耐辐射匹配层材料,具有较好的应用前景。 |
英文摘要: |
The ultrasonic transducer is the core device of ultrasonic nondestructive testing system. As an important component of the ultrasonic transducer, the matching layer can reduce the acoustic energy loss caused by the mismatch of low impedance and improve the energy transmission efficiency of the transducer.The traditional ultrasonic transducer failure is caused mostly by the chemical bond fracture of organic materials of matching layers, which affects the accuracy of detection. In order to develop high performance radiation-resistant ultrasonic transducers, the matching layers were made by mixing good radiation resistance bisphenol A epoxy resin with different content Al2O3 particles (0%~80%). The changes of appearance, density, sound velocity, acoustic impedance and attenuation of the matching layers were investigated under different γ-ray irradiation from 0 to 1000 kGy. With the increase of radiation dose, the color of the sample gradually was deepened, and the density almost remained unchanged. The sound velocity, acoustic impedance and acoustic attenuation are slightly increased. In addition, based on the above matching layer, an ultrasonic transducer with a central frequency of 9MHz has been fabricated, the signal of the transducer almost remain unchanged after irradiation, indicating that matching layers can maintain good acoustic performance under large dose irradiation, which may have a great application potential in the design of γ-radiation resistant ultrasonic transducer. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2024.03.021 |
中文关键词: 双酚A型环氧树脂 匹配层 γ射线辐射 超声换能器 |
英文关键词: Bisphenol A epoxy resin Matching layer γ-ray radiation Ultrasonic transducer |
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