燕子翔,谢菠荪,朱俊.稳态和动态虚拟听觉重放对近场距离感知的影响*[J].,2024,43(3):469-477 |
稳态和动态虚拟听觉重放对近场距离感知的影响* |
Influence of static and dynamic virtual auditory display on near-field distance perception |
投稿时间:2022-12-02 修订日期:2024-05-09 |
中文摘要: |
虚拟听觉重放是研究距离感知的一种重要工具,它可分为传统的稳态虚拟听觉重放和动态虚拟听觉重放。然而,稳态虚拟听觉重放经常会产生头中定位而影响距离感知的判断,从而影响最终的实验结果。过去的实验大多采用稳态虚拟听觉重放,因此其结论也存在较大的争议性结论。本文对比研究稳态和动态的虚拟听觉重放对绝对距离感知效果的影响。实验采用非个性化HRTF进行双耳合成,将分布在水平面0.20 m至1.00 m的七个距离、0°至180°的七个方位角下的信号通过耳机进行虚拟重放。心理声学实验结果表明,在稳态虚拟听觉重放条件下,受试者不同程度地报告了存在头中定位。而动态虚拟听觉重放系统能够利用动态因素,从而产生头外化的听觉感知。统计分析表明动态虚拟听觉重放下的距离感知效果与稳态重放存在明显的差异。由于动态虚拟重放更接近真实声源的感知效果,应选用这种方法作为实验工具。同时,在实际的空间声应用中,也应该采用动态虚拟听觉重放产生不同的距离感知。 |
英文摘要: |
Virtual auditory display (VAD) is a significant tool in the researches of auditory distance perception. It can be subdivided into conventional static VAD and advanced dynamic VAD. Static VAD is inclined to create the perception of in-head-localization and influences the distance judgment, and thereby spoils the final experimental results. However, static VADs were used in many previous experiments, resulting in controversial conclusions. By using static and dynamic VADs, the present work explores the influence of static and dynamic VAD on the auditory distance perception. Non-individualized HRTFs were used for binaural synthesis. The resultant binaural signals of seven target distances from 0.20 m to 1.00 m and seven horizontal azimuths from 0° to 180° were presented by headphone. Results of psychoacoustic experiments indicated that for static VAD, subjects reported the perception of in-head-localization. In contrast, dynamic VAD created dynamic cue for externalized perception. Statistical analysis reveals the significant difference between the results of distance perception of static and dynamic VAD. A dynamic VAD should be used as a tool in the experiments of distance perception because its results are more consistent with those of a actual sound source. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2024.03.001 |
中文关键词: 虚拟听觉重放 距离感知 声学近场 |
英文关键词: Virtual auditory display Distance perception Near-field |
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