Fresnel-zone of acoustic reflection logging
投稿时间:2022-12-15  修订日期:2023-08-29
      Based on reflection wave from the outside interface, single well remote detection logging is an important milestone in the development of borehole acoustic logging. It can effectively detect abnormal reflectors such as fractures that are several meters to tens of meters away from the well, greatly improving the radial detection distance of acoustic logging, and plays an important role in the exploration and development of carbonate fracture cave reservoirs. In this paper, the characteristics of the variation of the reflection intensity of a finite size crack with the sound source frequency and the reflector distance are systematically investigated. The simulation results show that the amplitude of the reflected wave presents Fresnel band effect whether it is monopole or dipole. Within a certain distance, the amplitude of the reflected wave increases with the increase of the width in a certain direction of the fracture. When the broadband increases to a certain size, the amplitude of the reflected wave decreases to a certain extent, and then oscillates slightly. In a word, the amplitude of reflected wave is not simply positively related to the size of reflector. Therefore, it is conditional to evaluate the volume and reserves of reflector based on reflected wave energy.
中文关键词: 远探测,声波测井,反射横波, 反射纵波 菲涅尔带
英文关键词: Remote-detecting, acoustic logging, shear reflection, compressional reflection,Fresnel-zone
郭同政 中石化经纬公司胜利测井公司 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
许孝凯* 中石化经纬公司地质测控技术研究院 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
张晋言 中石化经纬公司 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
晁永胜 中石化经纬公司地质测控技术研究院 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
翟勇 中石化经纬公司胜利测井公司 xuxiaokai@foxmail.com 
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