High intensity focused ultrasound focus localization based on passive beamforming imaging
投稿时间:2023-01-05  修订日期:2024-04-26
      针对高强度聚焦超声治疗中实际焦点偏离引导治疗的几何焦点这一问题,本文基于被动波束成像原理,将治疗探头与影像探头联合,探讨一种新的焦点定位策略。首先,基于k-Wave声学软件创建了具有多层组织结构的超声传播模型,通过理论仿真探究了不同脂肪、肌肉厚度条件下被动波束成像方法定位焦点的准确性;除此之外,还通过仿体在实验环境下对该方法的有效性进行了初步验证。结果表明,在不同脂肪厚度的仿真模型中,被动波束合成所定位的焦点和几何焦点在轴向距离上分别与实际焦点平均相差(0.54±0.15)mm和(4.76±0.95)mm。在不同肌肉厚度的仿真模型中,由合成算法定位的焦点和几何焦点在轴向距离上分别与实际焦点平均相差(0.51±0.26) mm、(4.95±0.47) mm。仿体实验也验证了被动波束成像定位的焦点比几何焦点更接近实际损伤位置。本文从理论仿真和实验两个角度验证了被动波束成像方法在高强度聚焦超声焦点定位中的优越性,可为该方法进一步走向临床应用提供支撑,对提升高强度聚焦超声手术治疗的安全性有推动作用。
      By combining the treatment probe with the imaging probe, this paper explored a new strategy of locating focus based on the passive beamforming principle in high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This new method was able to estimate the HIFU focus which is more accurate than the current geometric focus being used in clinical practice. An ultrasound propagation model with multilayer tissue structure was developed in k-Wave simulation, providing an ideal method to validate robustness of the passive beamforming algorithm under a variety of fat and muscle thicknesses. Further, a preliminary validation was carried out in phantom experiment to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed method. The simulation results showed that focal points estimated by the passive beamforming method under different fat thickness and the geometric focuses deviated from the actual focuses in the axial distance by (0.54±0.15)mm and (4.76±0.95)mm, respectively. Similarly, the deviations for the estimated focuses and the geometric focus under different muscle thickness were (0.51±0.26) mm and(4.95±0.47) mm respectively. The phantom experiment also verified that the estimated focal location was closer to the actual damage location. In conclusion, this study validated the superiority of passive beamforming method for estimating HIFU focus, which could help push this new method forward towards clinical applications.
中文关键词: 高强度聚焦超声  被动波束成像  焦点定位  k-Wave  多层组织模型
英文关键词: High intensity focused ultrasound  Passive beamforming imaging  Focus positioning  k-Wave  Multi-layer tissue mode
基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金(CSTB2022NSCQMSX0968); 2021年重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持项目(cx2021022)
赵封隆 重庆医科大学 funglowc@163.com 
徐佳虹 重庆医科大学 xjiahong@163.com 
史新旺 重庆医科大学 15621685736@163.com 
周小伟* 重庆医科大学 zhou.xiaowei@cqmu.edu.cn 
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