Design and experiment of phononic crystal for vibration and noise control of automotive compressor
投稿时间:2023-01-06  修订日期:2024-04-27
      In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to control the low frequency vibration and noise of the automobile compressor, a phononic crystal structure is designed in the compressor housing based on the local resonance mechanism. With the aid of finite element method, the band gap range of phononic crystal is calculated, the reasons for selecting the structural parameters of phononic crystal and their arrangement in the compressor housing are clarified, and the advantages of the designed phononic crystal are analyzed. Then, each part of the material is customized to assemble the phononic crystal entity and arranged on the rear end face of the compressor housing. A compressor vibration and noise bench is built. Four acoustic field points are selected to collect the radiated noise, and the vibration changes of the compressor body are recorded. Furthermore, a certain type of automobile is selected to build the whole vehicle vibration and noise test-bed of the compressor, and an acoustic microphone is set up on the right side of the driver''s seat near the human ear to collect the radiated noise in the driving room, and the vibration changes of the compressor body are recorded. The test results show that, after installing phononic crystals in the compressor housing, the total radiated noise and RMS values of the compressor body vibration acceleration measured in the bench test and the vehicle test are basically improved within the corresponding speed range of the phononic crystal band gap frequency, and the effect is significant in some speed ranges. This paper provides a new reference for the research of low frequency vibration and noise control of automobile compressor.
中文关键词: 汽车压缩机  声子晶体  台架试验  整车试验  振动噪声控制
英文关键词: Automobile compressor  Phononic crystal  Bench test  Vehicle test  Vibration and noise control
刘威 重庆交通大学 机电与车辆工程学院 重庆 2394409652@qq.com 
何泽银* 重庆交通大学 机电与车辆工程学院 重庆 zeyin_he@126.com 
曹昱坤 重庆建设汽车系统股份有限公司 重庆 1295499866@qq.com 
向银 重庆建设汽车系统股份有限公司 重庆 1785108821@qq.com 
王承登 重庆交通大学 机电与车辆工程学院 重庆 1264904310@qq.com 
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