Soundscape evaluation and design strategy of urban railway parks: A case study of Beijing-Qinhuangdao Railway in the Section of Beijing Central City
投稿时间:2023-02-14  修订日期:2024-06-27
      The urban space along the railway is usually labeled as suffering from the noise pollution of railway operating vehicles and the quality is damaged. In fact, there are a lot of urban parks along the railway in Beijing. How about the soundscape of these parks? In this paper, the park along the Beijing-Qin railway downtown section of Beijing as the research object, through the fixed-point measurement and random questionnaire survey, the acoustic environment of the park was empirically-studied, and the factors affecting the soundscape evaluation results were analyzed. The results showed that the environmental sound pressure level of Datong Riverside Park and Guojiacun Green Park exceeded the prescribed noise limit, and the acoustic environment harmony and quietness were also evaluated negatively. Through the analysis of subjective and objective data, it is found that for urban parks located near urban expressways and urban main roads, urban traffic noise is the dominant sound source affecting the subjective and objective evaluation of park soundscape. In a quiet environment, the favorability evaluation of train noise exposure is lower. The intensity of favorability evaluation of station and yard operation sound, train running sound and car running sound will be affected by other factors to varying degrees, but the evaluation is negative. Artificial and living sounds are often considered as the dominant sound, while natural sounds are perceived at a lower frequency. The respondents'' behaviors will have an impact on the soundscape satisfaction and coordination degree evaluation. The quiet group has a higher requirement on the sound environment than other types of tourists, while the group with children has a lower requirement on the sound environment. Based on the research results of the parks along the Beijing-Qin railway in Beijing, the design strategy of the parks along the urban section of the railway is put forward.
中文关键词: 城市公园 交通噪声 声景观 声评价 景观设计
英文关键词: Urban park  Traffic noise  Soundscape  Soundscape assessment  Landscape design
吴湘萍 北京交通大学 1124416609@qq.com 
蒙小英* 北京交通大学 xymeng@bjtu.edu.cn 
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