Analysis of the influence factors of otoacoustic emission of real human bone conduction
投稿时间:2023-03-04  修订日期:2024-06-19
      基于双音抑制原理,使用四间隔范式测量刺激频率耳声发射信号以研究真人骨导的耳声发射,分析真人骨导中耳声发射的影响因素。实验进行了10名正常听力的受试者的刺激频率耳声发射信号的测量。实验结果表明,不同刺激强度下测量的刺激频率耳声发射信号频谱幅值不同,其在实验强度范围内随刺激强度的增长而提高;不同持续时间的探测音测量所得的刺激频率耳声发射信号趋势相似;乳突和髁突两个不同刺激位置下的刺激频率耳声发射信号相似,太阳穴处的刺激频率耳声发射信号与其他两个位置有差异。本文在1000 Hz至4000 Hz频率范围内对刺激频率耳声发射的影响因素进行了探索分析,可为骨导的生理特性、经颅衰减、串声消除、响应补偿等研究提供理论基础。
      Based on the two-tone suppression principle, the measurement of otoacoustic emission of real human bone conduction is studied based on the stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission (SFOAE) signal with four interval method, so as to analyze the influencing factors of otoacoustic emission in real human bone conduction. The SFOAE signals were measured in ten subjects with normal hearing. The experimental results show that the SFOAE signals measured at different stimulus intensities are different, and they increase linearly with the increasing of the stimulus intensities within the experimental intensity range; the trends of SFOAE signals measured under different stimulus durations are similar; the SFOAE signals at the mastoid and condyle are similar, and the SFOAE signals at the temple are different from the other two positions. In this paper, the influencing factors of the SFOAE signal are explored and analyzed, which can provide a theoretical basis for the study of bone conduction physiological characteristics, transcranial attenuation, crosstalk cancellation and response compensation.
中文关键词: 真人骨传导  刺激频率耳声发射  影响因素
英文关键词: Real human bone conduction  Stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission  Influencing factors
吴昇键 广州大学 17843109870@163.com 
王小亚 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 wxyaya008@163.com 
王杰* 广州大学 wangjie@gzhu.edu.cn 
桑晋秋 华东师范大学 sangjinqiu@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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