Excess low frequency sound absorption of structural beam side arranged absorber in classroom
投稿时间:2023-03-06  修订日期:2024-07-05
      Special low frequency sound absorption character in classroom was studied when sound absorber was mounted at the sides of structure beams. Absorber with two different depths were installed at the sides of structure beam in classroom, and reverberation times were measured under each kind of absorption configuration. The actual absorption coefficients of absorbers under each situation were calculated with the Sabine formula, and compared with that of random incidence test value. The results show calculated sound absorption was much higher than that measured in random incidence at low frequency, display an excess low frequency sound absorption effect. Further analysis showed the low frequency additional absorption starts at the high-low transition frequency of the room, proved the effect can be explained as room mode theory. An absorption magnificent ratio was defined to quantify excess absorption, and mathematical formula describing relation between the ratio and frequency was derived. Calculated results with the formula are in good agreement with that of measurement.
中文关键词: 低频吸声  附加吸声效应  梁侧吸声
英文关键词: Low frequency absorption  Excess absorption effect  Beam-side absorption
余佳亮 中建科工集团有限公司 215933448@qq.com 
米琼 中建科工集团有限公司 miqiong89@foxmail.com 
毛东兴†* 同济大学声学研究所 dxmao@tongji.edu.cn 
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