李朦朦,凡·伦特格姆·蒂莫西,孟琪,巴特多伦·迪克,康健.面向城市交通噪声控制的树种筛选与种植策略*[J].,2024,43(4):843-853 |
面向城市交通噪声控制的树种筛选与种植策略* |
Tree species selection and planting strategy for reducing urban traffic noise |
投稿时间:2023-03-13 修订日期:2024-07-02 |
中文摘要: |
植物降噪是一种减碳且低成本的降噪方式,可有效改善城市声环境。然而现存植物降噪影响因素与预测模型主要集中在植物群落层面,忽略了树种间差异在不同频率噪声控制过程中的重要作用,难以满足城市交通噪声有效防控的需求。基于此,该研究以植物树干为切入点,提出一种量化树干与树皮粗糙度的方法,针对交通噪声频谱特征系统测量13种树种的吸收作用,并模拟降噪效果。研究首先测得树干吸声系数的频谱特征,确定了树干主要吸声频率范围与交通噪声频率分布具备较好的一致性;其次,从树种视角分析视觉因素与测试获取因素两个层面对树干吸声效果有影响的主要因素;最后,通过模拟对比分析15 m宽植物带种植不同树种的降噪效果,发现相差~0.9 dBA,证明了种植吸声系数高的树种对交通噪声控制的有效性。以期从树形、树干吸声效果、树种生长速度以及种植方式等方面,提出应对城市交通噪声污染的树种筛选依据与设计策略。 |
英文摘要: |
Noise reduction by plants is a way of reducing carbon and noise at a low cost, which can effectively improve the urban acoustic environment. However, existing plant noise reduction influencing factors and prediction models are primarily focused on the level of plant communities, ignoring the important role of differences between tree species in the process of noise control at different frequencies, making effective urban traffic noise prevention and control difficult to meet. Therefore, this study begins with plant trunks, proposes a method for quantifying trunk and bark roughness, measures the absorption of 13 tree species for the traffic noise spectrum characteristics system, and simulates the noise reduction effect. First, the spectral characteristics of the trunk sound absorption coefficient were measured, and the trunk''s main absorption frequency range was determined to be in good agreement with the frequency distribution of traffic noise. Second, this study examines the primary factors that influence the sound absorption effect of tree trunks from the perspective of tree species, including visible and tested factors. Finally, the effectiveness of planting tree species with high sound absorption coefficients on traffic noise control is demonstrated by comparing and analysing the noise reduction effects of planting different tree species in a 15 m deep tree belts using simulation, and a difference of about 0.9 decibels was discovered. The selection basis and design strategy of tree species for attenuating urban traffic noise pollution are proposed based on tree shape, sound absorption effect of tree trunk, growth speed of tree species, and planting mode. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2024.04.017 |
中文关键词: 噪声控制 交通噪声 吸声系数 自然降噪途径 |
英文关键词: Noise control Traffic noise Sound absorption coefficient Natural means for noise abatement |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)(52178070) |
摘要点击次数: 303 |
全文下载次数: 193 |
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