The resonance characteristics of acoustically excited low frequency multimode magnetoelectric antenna
投稿时间:2023-03-31  修订日期:2024-07-03
      Traditional low-frequency communication systems have high cost, large volume, and high power consumption, which limit their application in the fields of ground-penetrating/water-penetrating communication, geological exploration, and military. The magnetoelectric antenna based on multi-ferroic materials uses acoustic resonance instead of electromagnetic resonance to overcome the problem of the miniaturization of a traditional low-frequency antenna in principle. Different resonant modes of the magnetoelectric antennas correspond to different resonant characteristics, which determine the working frequency and radiation intensity of the antenna. However, the thickness of the magnetostrictive layer affects the resonant characteristics of the antenna. To solve these problems, the influence of magnetostrictive layer thickness on the resonant characteristics of the antenna is obtained by using finite element method. The results show that as the thickness of the magnetostrictive layer increases, the resonant frequencies of the thickness longitudinal resonance decrease, and the resonant frequencies of the bending resonance, length shear wave resonance, and width Lamb wave resonance increase. The antenna prototypes with different thicknesses of the magnetostrictive layer are prepared, and the resonant characteristics of the antenna are tested. The measured results were consistent with the simulation results. In addition, the influence of magnetostrictive layer thickness on the mechanical loss of the antenna is studied. With the increase of magnetostrictive layer thickness, the mechanical loss of the antenna decreases first and then increases. The research on resonant characteristics and mechanical loss of multi-mode low-frequency magnetoelectric antenna can guide the frequency design of the antenna and provide ideas for enhancing its radiation intensity.
中文关键词: 声波谐振  磁电天线  谐振特性  机械损耗
英文关键词: Acoustic resonator  Magnetoelectric antenna  Resonance characteristic  Mechanical loss
李建波 西南科技大学 信息工程学院 1659080670@qq.com 
刘婷婷†* 西南科技大学 信息工程学院 liutingting@swust.edu.cn 
董红梅 西南科技大学 信息工程学院 1240109025@qq.com 
郭辉辉 西南科技大学 信息工程学院 easonguo@swust.edu.cn 
任万春 西南科技大学 信息工程学院 wanchun_ren@swust.edu.cn 
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