Location and control method of structural noise anomaly of research ship
投稿时间:2023-05-01  修订日期:2024-09-01
      In view of the abnormal structural vibration phenomenon in the engine room of a research ship during the mooring stage, the frequency domain analysis method was used to identify the structural noise sources and analyze the vibration transmission by combining with the vibration test data of the real ship. The data analysis results showed that the abnormal vibration frequency of the deck was the same as the frequency of the generator foot, and the inherent mode of the intermediate mass was calculated by finite element simulation. It is inconsistent with the fundamental frequency, firing frequency and frequency doubling of the generator set. Therefore, the possibility of abnormal vibration caused by the resonance between the generator set and the intermediate mass is excluded. Combined with the on-board inspection, the abnormal structural vibration fault is located in the fuel oil pipeline system. According to the vibration spectrum characteristics of different measuring points of diesel engine, it is concluded that there is a positive correlation between the base vibration of generator set and the fuel pipe vibration. Therefore, the vibration control of the piping system was carried out in the follow-up test. The results showed that the abnormal structural vibration of the engine room attenuated after the vibration damping of the fuel piping system, the vibration isolation effect of the double-layer vibration isolation device of the generator set was increased from 20.8 dB to 36.6 dB, and the deck vibration level also reached the ideal effect. The test analysis and test results were mutually verified.
中文关键词: 科考船  结构噪声  噪声定位  振动控制  隔振效果
英文关键词: research ship  structural noise  noise location  vibration control  vibration isolation effect
蔡晓涛†* 中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所 上海 xiaotao_cai@163.com 
沈国良 杭州航海仪器有限公司 xiaotao_cai@163.com 
董佳欢 中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所 xiaotao_cai@163.com 
黄志武 中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所 xiaotao_cai@163.com 
王烨 中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所 xiaotao_cai@163.com 
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