Development status of air-coupled ultrasonic testing composites
投稿时间:2023-05-11  修订日期:2023-12-28
      复合材料普遍具有高比强度、高比刚度、高模量、耐腐蚀等优异性能广泛应用于飞机机翼、导弹外壳、航空发动机壳体等部位。制造和服役过程中各类缺陷影响复合材料的力学性能和服役性能,必须采用有效的方法准确检测和评估复合材料中各类缺陷。空气耦合式超声检测具有完全非接触、非侵入、无损伤的特点能够更好地运用于传统超声检测难以适应的情形具有极为广阔的发展前景 本文就近年来空气耦合超声检测技术的研究现状进行了系统综述简明扼要地分析和介绍了当前空气耦合超声检测的研究热点及进展,重点介绍了1-3型压电复合材料换能器、信号处理技术、相控聚焦式空气耦合超声检测、超声在复合材料的传播特性及其与缺陷交互作用的研究现状,探讨了空气耦合超声无损检测技术与仪器的发展方向。总结了目前空气耦合超声检测的研究热点问题,最后展望了空气耦合超声检测的发展趋势和应用前景。
      Composite materials with high specific strength, high specific stiffness, high modulus, corrosion resistance and other excellent properties are widely used in aircraft wing, missile shell, aircraft engine shell and other parts. The mechanical properties and service properties of composite materials are affected by various defects in manufacturing and service. Effective methods must be adopted to accurately detect and evaluate various defects in composite materials. Air coupled ultrasonic detection is completely non-contact, non-invasive and non-damaging. It can be better used in the situation that traditional ultrasonic detection is difficult to adapt. It has a broad development prospect. In this paper, 1-3 piezoelectric composite transducers, signal processing technology, phase-controlled focused air-coupled ultrasonic testing, the research status of ultrasonic propagation characteristics in composite materials and its interaction with defects are introduced, and the development direction of air-coupled ultrasonic nondestructive testing technology and instruments are discussed. At last, the development trend and application prospect of air-coupled ultrasonic detection are forecasted.
中文关键词: 空气耦合超声检测  复合材料检测  换能器  信号处理  相控阵  
英文关键词: Air-coupled ultrasonic detection  Composite material testing  Transducer  Signal processing  Phased ar-ray  
郭占玲 浙江清华长三角研究院海纳精密加工中心 245239531@qq.com 
沈斌 浙江清华长三角研究院海纳精密加工中心 binshen@zgjczg.com 
赵志钢 中北大学 1286342377@qq.com 
刘瑶* 中北大学 liuyao@nuc.edu.cn 
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