李启飞,李智生,张旭,张志伟,范赵鹏.实测时变深海声速剖面对声线到达 结构影响的分析*[J].,2024,43(5):1152-1159
实测时变深海声速剖面对声线到达 结构影响的分析*
Sound diffusion structure based on time-varying sound speed profile of deep ocean
投稿时间:2023-06-03  修订日期:2024-09-09
      Before the acoustic measurement of the target location in deep ocean, it is necessary to measure and calculate the acoustic field around Designated area, which greatly increases the measurement cost. In order to optimize the acoustic measurement process and reduce the experimental cost. This paper find a way to quantitatively analyze the influence of the sound speed in deep ocean to sound propagation. discusses the difference of sound arrival structure when getting SSP in different time , also comparing with the public sound speed data when figure sound arrival structure. The calculation results show that when there is a direct sound ray, the sound velocity data measured within a few days can reach the requirements of sound propagation measurement; otherwise, it needs to be remeasured.
中文关键词: 声线到达结构 时变声速剖面 水下声学测量
英文关键词: Sound structure, Time varying SSP, Acoustic measurement
李启飞 中国人民解放军91550部队 lqf_com@163.com 
李智生* 中国人民解放军91550部队 lqf_com@163.com 
张旭 中国人民解放军91550 部队 lqf_com@163.com 
张志伟 中国人民解放军91550 部队 lqf_com@163.com 
范赵鹏 中国人民解放军91001 部队 lqf_com@163.com 
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