Design of the composite wedge-shaped ultrasonic concentrator in flexural vibration
投稿时间:2023-06-26  修订日期:2024-10-29
      In order to establish the design theory of a wedge-shaped vibrating ultrasonic system, based on the Timoshenko beam flexural vibration theory, this paper derives the flexural vibration resonance frequency equation and amplification coefficient expression of the composite wedge-shaped ultrasonic concentrator. The flexural vibration characteristics of the composite wedge-shaped concentrator up to the fourth order are calculated and analyzed using the proposed analytical theoretical model and finite element simulation. The results show that the height ratio and length ratio of the composite wedge-shaped ultrasonic concentrator have significant effects on the flexural resonance frequencies and amplification coefficients at each order. The flexural resonance frequencies and displacement amplification coefficients calculated by the analytical theoretical model are consistent with the results of finite element simulation. The relative errors of the flexural resonance frequencies calculated by both methods are less than 3%, indicating that the proposed analytical theoretical model has high accuracy. The composite wedge-shaped ultrasonic concentrator was made for experimental testing of its resonant frequency and amplification factor, the test results are relatively consistent with the theoretical calculations and finite element simulation results. The research results of this paper provide analytical theoretical references for the engineering design of flexural vibration composite wedge-shaped ultrasonic vibration systems.
中文关键词: Timoshenko梁理论  弯曲振动  传递矩阵  有限元仿真
英文关键词: Timoshenko beam theory  Flexural vibration  Transfer matrix  Finite element simulation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(12074354), 市场监督管理总局计划(2022MK046), 浙江省重点研发计划(2022C01002), 浙江省基础公益计划(LGF22A040005, TGC23A040003), 浙江省市场监督管理局雏鹰计划(CY2022001, CY2022216)
文仕豪 中国计量大学理学院 杭州 814065337@qq.com 
许龙* 中国计量大学理学院 杭州 xulong@cjlu.edu.cn 
朱怀球 浙江省计量科学研究院  
吴德林 浙江省计量科学研究院 wdl19911218@126.com 
高申平 浙江省计量科学研究院 452607460@qq.com 
王萧博 浙江省计量科学研究院 769408856@qq.com 
姚磊 浙江省质量科学研究院 xulong@cjlu.edu.cn 
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