Design and multi-objective optimization of composite noise barrier structure for freeway
投稿时间:2023-07-06  修订日期:2024-10-30
      高速公路因大型车辆较多而产生的交通噪声多集中在低频,现有声屏障对低频噪声吸收效果不佳,并且建设成本过高。为提高声屏障的降噪性能,将多种吸声结构应用于声屏障设计中,提出了一种集吸音复合板、多重锥形吸声结构、透明隔声结构以及二次余数扩散体复合结构于一体的组合式声屏障。采用传递矩阵法计算分析了各结构的声阻抗和吸声系数;以降噪性、安全性和经济性为目标,建立了声屏障多目标优化模型;选用遗传算法进行求解,并进行TOPSIS决策,从非劣解集中选出最优解;最后,将优化结果与荣乌高速涉县路段已安装的挤压成型混凝土声屏障进行比较。结果表明,优化后的组合式声屏障插入损失提高了6.3 dB(A),提升40.9%,其中吸声附加值为5.8 dB(A);声屏障建设成本减少了5.9%;立柱顶端位移减少了96.2%,满足标准最大安全控制位移。研究结果可为高速公路声屏障设计提供参考。
      The traffic noise generated by the large number of heavy vehicles on freeway is mostly concentrated in low-frequency, while the existing noise barriers have poor absorption effect on low-frequency noise and the construction cost is too high. To improve the noise reduction performance of noise barriers, various sound absorption structures were applied to the design of noise barriers. A composite noise barrier that integrates sound absorption composite plates, multiple conical sound absorption structures, transparent sound insulation structures, and quadratic residue diffuser composite structures was proposed. The transfer matrix method is used to calculate and analyze the acoustic impedance and absorption coefficient of each structure; A multi-objective optimization model for noise barriers was established with the objectives of noise reduction, safety, and economy; Using genetic algorithm for solving and making TOPSIS decisions to select the optimal solution from a set of non inferior solutions; Finally, the optimal solution was compared with the installed extruded concrete sound barrier on the Shexian section of the Rongwu freeway. The results show that the insertion loss of the optimized composite noise barrier is increased by 6.3 dB (A), 40.9%, of which the added value of sound absorption is 5.8 dB (A); The construction cost of noise barrier has been reduced by 5.9%; The column top displacement has been reduced by 96.2%, meeting the standard maximum safety control displacement. The research results can provide reference for the design of noise barriers on freeway.
中文关键词: 高速公路  组合式声屏障  多目标优化  传递矩阵法
英文关键词: Freeway  Composite noise barrier  Multi-objective optimization  Transfer matrix method
崔洪军 河北工业大学 cuihj1974@12.com 
孙胜强 河北工业大学 s704107163@163.com 
姚胜* 河北工业大学 yaosheng@tju.edu.cn 
朱敏清 河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院 天津 992966624@q.com 
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