刘建停,苏含玉,刘诗瑜,苏晨洋,赵夏冬,李喜峰.氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管兆声电源波形优化设计 ——栅源极桥臂串扰及漏源极振荡尖峰问题[J].,2024,43(6):1389-1396
氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管兆声电源波形优化设计 ——栅源极桥臂串扰及漏源极振荡尖峰问题
Waveform optimization design of GaN high electron mobility transistors megasound power supply—The crosstalk of gate-source bridge arm and drain-source oscillation peak
投稿时间:2023-07-24  修订日期:2024-10-30
      针对GaN HMET在兆声清洗电源应用中由于频率高导致的栅源极桥臂串扰及漏源极振荡尖峰问题,本文首先对GaN HEMT产生桥臂串扰进行陈述,基于辅助电容法结合理论计算抑制了桥臂串扰;并对漏源极产生高频振荡和尖峰的问题进行了分析,利用缓冲电路改善了此现象。协同解决栅源极桥臂串扰和漏源极振荡尖峰问题,实验证明所设计的串扰抑制电路和缓冲电路可将栅源串扰电压从+2.4V减小到-1.6V,串扰的振荡时间从234ns缩小到50ns,漏源极电压尖峰从142V降低到90V,振荡时间从310ns缩短到124ns,电路开通损耗减小了10.2%,关断损耗减小了10.4%,关断延时减小了14%,显著改善了GaN HEMT的工作波形。
      In response to the problem of gate source bridge arm crosstalk and drain source oscillation peak caused by high frequency of GaN HMET in megaacoustic cleaning power supply, the cross-talk of GaN HEMT is described first in this paper. Based on the auxiliary capacitance method combined with theoretical calculation, bridge arm crosstalk was suppressed; Analyzed the problems of high-frequency oscillation and spikes generated by the drain source electrode, and improved this phenomenon using a buffer circuit. Solve the problem of crosstalk and drain-source oscillation peak cooperatively. The experiment proves that the designed crosstalk suppression circuit and buffer circuit can reduce the gate source crosstalk voltage from+2.4V to -1.6V, reduce the crosstalk oscillation time from 234ns to 50ns, reduce the drain source voltage peak from 142V to 90V, shorten the oscillation time from 310ns to 124ns, reduce the circuit opening loss by 10.2%, turn off loss by 10.4%, and turn off delay by 14%, significantly improving the working waveform of GaN HEMT.
中文关键词: 兆声电源  GaN HEMT  桥臂串扰  尖峰振荡
英文关键词: Megasonic power  GaN HMET  Crosstalk  Spiking oscillation
刘建停 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 liu54zz@126.com 
苏含玉 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 1251603552@qq.com 
刘诗瑜 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 1448076880@qq.com 
苏晨洋 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 1007842128@qq.com 
赵夏冬 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 zhaoxiadong@shu.edu.cn 
李喜峰* 上海大学新型显示技术及应用集成教育部重点实验室 lixifeng@shu.edu.cn 
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