邓建雄,赵伦,唐正强,ZESHAN ABBAS,许龙,严卓晟.镍夹层厚度对铝/铜超声焊接头力学性能影响*[J].,2024,43(6):1375-1380
Effect of nickel interlayer thickness on mechanical properties of Al/Cu ultrasonic welded joint
投稿时间:2023-07-24  修订日期:2024-10-31
      为探究镍夹层厚度对铝/铜接头力学性能的影响规律,采用超声波焊接技术制备了含镍夹层铝/铜异种金属搭接接头。通过红外热成像仪、光学显微镜、拉伸剪切试验和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对接头焊接过程热影响、界面连接状态、力学性能及失效形式进行分析。结果表明:0.05 mm厚镍夹层在超声焊接高温作用下发生软化减薄,充当了板材间润滑剂,减小了板材间的摩擦阻力,焊接温度较其他厚度夹层高,温度对其他夹层厚度变化不敏感。随着镍夹层厚度的增加,接头峰值载荷先增大后减小,接头力学性能与夹层厚度存在显著的相关性;0.10 mm厚镍夹层破坏后其塑性流动能力较差导致接头界面呈波浪状结合,具有铝-镍、铜-镍和铝-铜三种界面结合方式,较其他接头抗拉强度与抗冲击性能更优。SEM分析表明,铜侧失效形式表现为韧性断裂,铝侧为韧脆混合断裂。因此,镍夹层厚度对铝/铜超声焊接接头的力学性能和失效模式有着决定性影响,选择合适的夹层厚度对于提高接头的性能至关重要。
      To explore the influence of nickel interlayer thickness on the mechanical properties of aluminum/copper joints, ultrasonic welding technology was employed to fabricate aluminum/copper dissimilar metal lap joints with a nickel interlayer. The effects of different nickel interlayer thicknesses on the thermal impact during the welding process, interface connection state, mechanical properties, and failure modes were analyzed using infrared thermography, optical microscopy, tensile shear tests, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).The results show that the 0.05 mm thick nickel interlayer softening and thinning under the action of high temperature in ultrasonic welding, which acts as a lubricant between the plates and reduces the friction resistance between the plates. The welding temperature is higher than that of other interlayers, and the temperature is not sensitive to the thickness changes of other interlayers. As the thickness of the nickel interlayer increased, the peak load of the joint first increased and then decreased, showing a significant correlation between the mechanical performance of the joint and the thickness of the interlayer. After the failure of 0.10 mm thick nickel interlayer, its plastic flow ability is poor, resulting in the joint interface is wavy. There are three interface bonding modes of aluminum-nickel, copper-nickel and aluminum-copper, which are better than other joints in tensile strength and impact resistance. SEM analysis revealed that the failure mode on the copper side was ductile fracture, while on the aluminum side, it was a mixed ductile-brittle fracture. Therefore, the thickness of the nickel interlayer has a decisive impact on the mechanical performance and failure modes of aluminum/copper ultrasonic welded joints, and selecting an appropriate interlayer thickness is crucial for enhancing the performance of the joint.
中文关键词: 超声焊接  铝/铜异种金属焊接  镍中间层
英文关键词: Ultrasonic welding  Al/Cu dissimilar metals welding  Nickel interlayer
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (12104324);高层次人才科研启动项目(6022310046k);深职院-新栋力超声波焊接技术研发中心(602331009PQ);深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养项目(RCBS20210706092213010);广东省普通高校特色创新项目(504-6020210006T)
邓建雄 贵州大学机械工程学院 18786664930@163.com 
赵伦* 深圳职业技术大学超声技术研究所 zhaolun@szpu.edu.cn 
唐正强 贵州大学机械工程学院 zhengqiangtang@126.com 
ZESHAN ABBAS 深圳职业技术大学超声技术研究所 abbasz@szpt.edu.cn 
许龙 中国计量大学理学院 xulong250864@163.com 
严卓晟 广州市新栋力超声电子设备有限公司 13902238576@139.com 
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