Self-supervised Learning for identifying variations of air compositionBase on Speed of Sound
投稿时间:2023-08-07  修订日期:2024-11-03
      As the actual composition of air is quite complex, the value of its speed of sound differs significantly from the calculated value for standard air. This article discusses the calculation of the speed of sound for standard air, furthermore analyze quantitative relationship between actural air composition and changes in the speed of sound. Theoretical results show that air composition, especially trace components, have a very small contribution to variation of the speed, thus making it difficult to discern slight fluctuations in the composition. To address this, a supervised algorithm for monitoring speed of sound error distribution is proposed to analyze air composition fluctuations. Firstly, the distance matrix of the difference between the measured and calculated values of the speed of sound is calculated, then the proportion of error values is determined, and finally, the distribution probability is analyzed to determine changes in air composition. This algorithm effectively tracks the beginning, diffusion, and accumulation of concentration changes and enables prediction and monitoring of air composition fluctuations quite pricisely.
中文关键词: 声速  维里展开式  成分波动  概率分布  
英文关键词: speed of sound, virial expansions, composition fluctuations  probability distributions
滕旭东* 上海工程技术大学电子电气工程学院 txdsues@sues.edu.cn 
滕博欣 上海市松江二中 txd19@163.com 
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