Research on Lamb wave-based flat-plate center frequency division multiplexing data transmission system
投稿时间:2023-08-07  修订日期:2024-11-03
      以兰姆波为载体实现平板上数据通信具有传输距离远、使用成本低和可靠性高等优点,可以在保证结构完整性的条件下实现非电磁波通信。本文建立平板中兰姆波频分复用发射信号通用模型,分析兰姆波频分复用发射信号的构建规则。首先,对现有传感器进行扫频实验,确定兰姆波激励频带;其次根据平板材料参数、尺寸参数和传感器位置信息分析板长对激励信号时长的影响,得到频分复用激励信号的子载波个数及其中心频率;最后使用格兹尔算法快速提取信号频谱中的幅度信息,利用传感器扫频曲线对信号频谱进行补偿,减少子载波频带在传输时的频率选择性衰减。将传感器布置在平板的不同位置上进行声数据传输试验,结果表明,通过所构建的兰姆波频分复用激励信号通用模型,可以有效地进行声数据的传输,为使用兰姆波传输声数据提供了可行的技术方案。 ?
      Realization of data communication on a flat plate by using Lamb waves as a carrier has the advantages of long transmission distance, low cost of use and high reliability, and can realize non-electromagnetic wave communication under the condition of ensuring structural integrity. This paper establishes a general model of Lamb wave frequency division multiplexing (FDM) emission signal in a flat panel and analyzes the construction rules of Lamb wave FDM emission signal. Firstly, the existing sensor sweep experiment is carried out to determine the Lamb wave excitation band; secondly, the influence of the plate length on the excitation signal duration is analyzed according to the flat plate material parameter, size parameter and sensor position information, and the number of subcarriers and their center frequency of frequency division multiplexing excitation signal are obtained; finally, the amplitude information in the signal spectrum is quickly extracted by using the Gerzel algorithm, and the signal spectrum is compensated by using the sensor sweep curve, which reduces the subcarrier band in the transmission. Finally, the amplitude information in the signal spectrum is quickly extracted using the sensor sweep curve to compensate the signal spectrum and reduce the frequency-selective attenuation of the subcarrier frequency band during transmission. The transducers are arranged in different positions of the plate for acoustic data transmission tests, and the results show that the constructed generalized model of Lamb wave frequency division multiplexing excitation signal can effectively transmit acoustic data, which provides a feasible technical solution for the transmission of acoustic data using Lamb waves.
中文关键词: 关键词: 兰姆波  数据通信  频分复用  结构健康监测传感网络
英文关键词: KeyWords: Lamb wave  Data Communication  Frequency Division Multiplexing  SHM
徐统 北京工业大学 237912801@qq.com 
吴斌 北京工业大学 wb@bjut.edu.cn 
刘秀成 北京工业大学 xiuchliu@bjut.edu.cn 
高翔* 北京工业大学 gaoxiang@bjut.edu.cn 
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