Design and research of an experimental system for phased array speakers
投稿时间:2023-08-16  修订日期:2024-12-26
      为实现对一定频率范围声波的指向性进行定量控制,研究这些声波的受控特性,借鉴天线相控阵原理,提出了相控阵列扬声器实验系统的设计思路:该相控阵列扬声器实验系统包含6个大小不等的线阵列以及分频移相处理电路等,每个线阵列有7个阵元。分频电路通过数字信号处理技术(DSP)芯片AUDU1667将频率为200 Hz~12.8 kHz的6个倍频程音域进行6×4路的1/4倍频程分频,移相电路进行7路等相位差的移相处理,最后将同一倍频程内(如200~400 Hz)的4个相邻1/4倍频程分频通道中相位相同的信号合并,形成7路混合输出信号,经放大后驱动本阵列的7个阵元,按倍频程信号不同分别驱动相应线阵列组还音。6个线阵列同时工作可实现声音在空间中某一区域内的定向传播。在实践方面,对DSP分频、移相电路和阵列声学等进行了大量仿真与实验测试,实测数据结果显示设计方案基本可行。
      In order to realize the quantitative control of the directivity of sound waves in a certain frequency range and study the controlled characteristics of these sound waves, the principle of antenna phased array is used to propose the design idea of the phased array speaker experimental system:The phased array speaker experimental system includes 6 line arrays of varying sizes and a frequency division phase shift processing circuit, with each line array having 7 array elements. The frequency division circuit DSP chip AUDU1667 divides 6 octave frequency ranges from 200 Hz to 12.8 kHz into 6×4 channels of 1/4 octave frequency. The phase-shifting circuit performs 7-channel equal phase difference phase-shifting processing, and finally merges the signals with the same phase in four adjacent 1/4 octave frequency division channels within the same octave (such as 200-400 Hz) to form 7-channel mixed output signals. After amplification, the 7 elements of this array are driven, and the corresponding line array groups are driven separately according to the different octave signals.6-line arrays working simultaneously can achieve directional propagation of sound in a certain area of space. In practice, a large number of simulations and experimental tests have been conducted on DSP frequency division, phase-shifting circuits, and array acoustics. The measured data results show that the design scheme is basically feasible.
中文关键词: 线阵列  指向性  移相  声压级
英文关键词: Linear array  Directivity  Frequency division  Sound pressure level
温怀疆* 浙江传媒学院 whj0531@126.com 
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