Optimized design of monopole acoustic logging detector by numerical simulation
投稿时间:2023-08-31  修订日期:2024-12-30
      Monopole transducer is a commonly used detector in acoustic logging instruments, and its performance directly affects the data quality of acoustic logging. Through numerical simulation to establish the model of "water - transmissive window - piezoelectric ceramic tube - oil cavity - skeleton", the vibration and radiation characteristics of the detector under the multi-physical field coupling are calculated, and the effects of different structural parameters on the acoustic performance of the detector are investigated to obtain the better transducer dimensions and more suitable transmissive window material. The results show that the acoustic performance of the detector is greatly affected by the changes of the thickness and inner diameter of the piezoelectric ceramic tube, and is insensitive to the changes of the height of the piezoelectric ceramic tube; increasing the volume of the inner oil cavity within a certain range can improve the sensitivity of the detector; the glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) with a thickness of 2mm has great acoustic transmittance, and also possesses certain mechanical properties, which is an appropriate choice for the detector’s acoustic window. The research has a guiding significance for the optimization of monopole acoustic logging detectors.
中文关键词: 声波测井换能器  数值模拟  单极子  透声材料
英文关键词: Acoustic logging transducer  Numerical simulation  Monopole  Acoustic materials
赵子萌 中国石油集团测井有限公司测井技术研究院 zhaozimeng.cnlc@cnpc.com.cn 
陈文辉* 中国石油集团测井有限公司测井技术研究院 chwh.cnlc@cnpc.com.cn 
黄飞 中国石油集团测井有限公司测井技术研究院 zycjhuangfei@cnpc.com.cn 
侯春会 中国石油集团测井有限公司测井技术研究院 houchh@126.com 
张永超 中国石油集团测井有限公司测井技术研究院 1697311540@qq.com 
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