Ultrasound image denoising method based on optimal Bayesian non-local mean
投稿时间:2023-09-01  修订日期:2024-09-01
      In order to overcome the speckle noise that may be generated in ultrasound imaging, an optimized Bayesian non-local mean algorithm is proposed. This paper discusses the improvement of the optimized algorithm from the following two aspects: 1) Aiming at the problem of high computational complexity of the Non-Local Means(NLM) algorithm, the pixel pre-selection algorithm is applied Optimize the denoising time of the algorithm; 2) Aiming at the problem that the NLM algorithm is only applicable to additive Gaussian noise, the Gamma distribution noise model is used to derive a non-local mean algorithm suitable for ultrasonic speckle noise through the Bayesian formula, and the Pearson distance is derived to calculate the distance between image blocks; and through multiple experiments, the ratio relationship between the noise standard deviation and the filtering parameters is obtained, and the parameters are self-adapted; finally, the algorithm is realized through the Matlab platform. In order to evaluate the denoising ability of the optimal algorithm, experiments were carried out on simulated ultrasound images and real ultrasound images. The results show that the optimal algorithm has a better denoising effect and a stronger ability to preserve image edges and details; and in terms of operating efficiency, compared with the original non-local mean algorithm, it has a greater improvement.
中文关键词: 超声图像  图像去噪  非局部均值算法  皮尔逊距离
英文关键词: Ultrasound image  Image denoising  Non-local mean algorithm  Person distance
徐宇飞 复旦大学, 信息科学与工程学院, 生物医学工程中心 20210720156@fudan.edu.cn 
于明 复旦大学 22110720139@m.fudan.edu.cn 
邢文宇 复旦大学, 工程与应用技术研究院, 生物医学工程技术研究所 wyxing@fudan.edu.cn 
他得安* 复旦大学, 信息科学与工程学院, 生物医学工程中心 tda@fudan.edu.cn 
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